Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall and Pictures

Today was an a perfectly beautiful Michigan fall day. I must admit that I have always hated fall because it is the end of summer and it leads into winter (which I really hate), but I decided to make an effort to enjoy all the seasons from now on. Even if they are painfully long, cold and gray. Today was colder than it has been in a while, but it wasn't so cold that you couldn't go outside without a jacket. The beginning of the day was really gray and dark, but towards the end the sun came out and the clouds dispersed a little. It was beautiful, the trees turning from green to red, the beautiful colors of the sunset on the clouds, and it was a nice temperature. I had some apple cider too. Apple cider tastes so much better in the fall, when it's cool outside, I don't know why but it just does.
My friend Amber posted a couple of pictures on her deviant art I wanted to share because I just can't get over how amazing they are. I love the composure of this picture (top right). I am a sucker for black and white photos but I have to say this looks amazing in color, especially since blue really is the only color, it adds drama. I also admire the creativity of this shot, this isn't something I would think of myself. This is the kind of picture I would put on my bedroom wall. I'm actually
going to ask her to help me pick some out, or if she cares if I put them on my wall, because there are so many that I adore. Then there is this second picture (bottom right) that I also really like. The other one is my favorite but I also really like this one. Keep up the good work Ambs, it is truly inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you bunches, buffel! I was so happy with how the card ones turned out, once in a while I just happen to get some nice ones :)
