Sunday, September 13, 2009

Portraits and Difficult Homework

Ugh, I did not anticipate the difficulty of my biology homework. It required very good inference reading skills that I simply do not possess. Most other people I talked to said that they thought it was really hard too. But I got it done...after four hours, and I'm sure most of the answers are right.

I took new pictures of my sister today to add to my portfolio. I've recently taken an interest in portrait photography. I really love photographing people, they're my favorite subjects.

This is one of the best pictures I've taken in a long time, and sadly was really the only really good one I got, the rest just couldn't compete with this one.


  1. great blog...check out mine if you ever have the chance

  2. hey - if you EVER need a model...Little Joe LOVEs having his picture taken. I've done impromptu photo sessions with him before - like out in the woods, or at a park, and he LOVES it.

  3. oh my gosh i would LOVE that!!! that would be soo funnnnn :D
