My day did not start out well. It all began with an innocent status update on facebook where I said that I was practicing counting money with my friend.
My friend's mom friend seems to think that every status that everyone posts is an opportunity for her to cause drama and be mean.
She commented and said "My kids are doing that in the 1st grade".
Am I the only one that thinks that's super bitchy? For all she knows I could have a learning disability and she's making fun of me like a total ass.
So I commented back and basically told her that I'm not required to put up with her BS and I'm not going to.
So she sends me a lovely message:
1st let me start by saying DONT post something on a WORLD wide, PUBLIC site that you dont want others to comment on.
2nd your right you dont have to put up with my BULLSHIT as u say. But I will assure you I wont put up with YOURS. I didnt not attack you, I didnt not swear at YOU. I commented on a PUBLIC post. You might talk to your MOMMA that way but in the REAL world the world of germs NO ONE including ME will put up with it. Act like an ADULT not like a teeny booper, from the getto. If u have something to say and swear or attack someone do it through private email or FB email. I have no idea how you took it but I ment NOTHING by it . And YOUR also right YOUR NOTHING, NOTHING at all like -----. Think next time YOU post on a PUBLIC WORLD WIDE site if its something YOU are willing to have others commment on and able to take what might be said.
1. my facebook is not a world wide public webstite, 99 people can see my status updates.
2. the fact that you can see my status doesn't give you the right to attack me, or say whatever you want. that's a sorry ass excuse to be mean.
3. exactly what bullshit are you talking about? am i not allowed to stick up for myself?
4. yeah insult my mother. also very mature. and for the record: I don't talk to my "momma" that way because my mother is not a psycho serial bitch!
5. act like an adult? that literally makes me laugh out loud, this bitch acts like she's in middle school and drama is her oxygen. but i need to grow up. ever heard the expression people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?
6. why would i do anyone the courtesy of e-mailing them and not embarassing them when they can't do me the same courtesy?
7. why on earth should i have to put serious thought and consideration into a status about hanging out with my friend? it's not like I posted some controversial political comment or nude pictures of myself, wtf is there to think about? i was under the obviously silly assumption that people didn't post their random statuses with the expectation that people are going to abuse/attack or harass them!
8. i should be able to take what is said? that's a TWO WAY STREET. don't write checks your ass can't cash.
10. don't capitalize words you don't know how to spell.
Buried Cable
Scrap steel cables are worth a few pennies now, so much so that we have a
scrap man who regularly stops by the old barn to pick up what we have.
Indeed i...
4 hours ago